Our mission is to make it easy for organisations and healthcare providers to support, educate and empower their people to achieve lifelong health and wellbeing.

Our purpose

The heavy costs associated with ill health and disease are a global burden. Although we know that lifestyle is an important factor in an individual’s health and wellbeing, societies often continue to fix the end problems; disease and ill health, instead of addressing the preventable causes.

We partner with organisations and healthcare providers, creating bespoke digital solutions to help engage their people to improve the quality of their health and wellbeing.

The solutions provide actionable data for organisations so they can measure engagement and effectiveness. The end result is a tangible reduction in the personal, social and financial costs associated with disease and ill health.



of deaths globally are caused by a chronic disease


$47 trillion

will be spent over the next 20 years treating chronic disease globally


1 in 6

working-age adults have symptoms associated with poor mental health


12 billion

working days per year will be lost to mental illness by 2030

8 Pillars of Wellbeing

Our Approach to wellbeing

We believe that health and wellbeing is about more than just your physical and mental health. Our 8 pillars of wellbeing are at the heart of what we do, empowering people to understand the impact of physical, emotional, social, intellectual, environmental, financial, spiritual and sexual wellbeing on their overall health.

Pillar 1


Physical wellbeing involves moving your body through exercise, ensuring you have a balanced and nutritious diet, you are getting enough sleep and are practicing positive lifestyle choices. All of these contribute to taking care of your body and being physically healthy and well.

Pillar 2


Emotional wellbeing involves the awareness, understanding, and acceptance of our feelings and having the ability to successfully handle life’s stresses and adapt to change and difficult times. Being emotionally well doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re happy all the time. It is the strength to power through life challenges.

Pillar 3


Social wellbeing involves the positive connection you have with friends, family, neighbours, work colleagues or anyone else who is important to you. You may have a large social network or just a few individual relationships.

Pillar 4


Intellectual wellbeing means you actively seek out new learning opportunities. You stimulate your mind through creative hobbies such as speaking multiple languages, reading books or participating in a club that enhances your intellectual interests.

Pillar 5


Environmental wellbeing means you are taking care of your personal surroundings and your global environment. This means you recycle your household waste, de-clutter your home, participate in a group that supports your local area to be litter-free or help tackle climate change.

Pillar 6


Financial wellbeing is about being in control of your day-to-day finances and having the financial freedom to make choices that allow you to enjoy life. You have a financial plan or a budget, so you are able to live within your means now and for future years.

Pillar 7


Spiritual wellbeing is having a sense of meaningfulness in your life and knowing that you have a purpose to fulfil. There are many factors that play a part in this, including your own beliefs, values, morals and religious faith.

Pillar 8


Sexual wellbeing is a positive and respectful approach to sexuality and sexual relationships which enables us to have safe sexual experiences by proactively engaging in health checks, seeking advice on contraception, menopause, and treatment for STIs and illnesses.


Who is Nexus?

Global experts in health and wellbeing connectivity

The Nexus team is made up of award-winning, passionate health and wellbeing experts with a customer-centric approach.


Nexus for Healthcare

I want to support my patients through their clinical pathway effectively and efficiently
